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one night

Lately, i've been crying a lot. good thing he rides a motorcycle, he won't notice when i try to hold my tears and failed every time we had problem. these day our problem just seems bigger and bigger for me even though this little problem can't even compared to the problem with my cousin. i'm trying to figure out what's going on. and i came to the conclusion, that when those big problem was coming he made it smaller with his big love, show me how much he cares. made me strong enough to face all of those problem and yet make it much worth to fight over. now i just need your love, show me that you care. just give me strength to fight together with you because sometimes "i love you" just need to proof.


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Vania Florensia Hutagaol

Vania florensia hutagaol udah lama gue berencana nge-post tentang ini bocah. siapakah dia? she's one of my bestfriend lihat wajahnya sodara-sodara! lihat! bocah banget gak sih? bocah umur (hampir) 17 tahun yang kecepetan kuliah, kecepetan masuk ke dunia dewasa, kecepetan menghadapi kejamnya dunia, kecepetan.....ya apapun deh pokoknya dia serba kecepetan. jadi ga kaget kalo dia labil, labil.banget. gue orang yang sering kecipratan kelabilannya, kadang ketularan malah. diumur segini dia udah punya sim dan sering nyetir kemana-mana, tapi sumpah demi apapun dia kalo lagi nyetir berisik, mungkin gue harus beli penutup telinga secepat mungkin. ada angkot minggir teriak-teriak, ada mobil moton jalannya teriak-teriak, ada motor nyalip teriak-teriak, ada nenek-nenek lompat ke tengah jalan juga teriak-teriak. tapi gue juga tertolong karena dia bawa mobil sih haha, dan dialah yang harus bertanggung jawab atas kenaikan biaya hidup gue disini, gak mau tau. umm apalagi ya, banyak yang bisa gue c...

5 days left,

I used to think there is still a month away, there's still time for us to share laughter and stories. there's still time for us to strengthen our relationship, there's still time to hold your hand, embrace you I think one month is not a fast time, I thought I was ready for the next month to stay away from you, go with a hug from hundreds or even thousands of our memories and now, I think there was only one week for me and you, why time goes so fast? why the dates have been determined appear very quickly? a week is not enough for me, not enough for us. I still wish there beside you, I still want to hold you tight, I always reinforce to myself, but in my heart, I was powerless, I'm not ready for all this, I'm not ready to be away from you. every night I cry, I'm afraid to sleep because tomorrow will come quickly, I even want to spend every second with you. and only 5 days left I'm not ready, ILOVEYOU H R,XX


kemaren gue ngaskus berjam-jam dan menemukan tread tentang pengalamn orang-orang terutama cowo sama cewe matre. bukan apa-apa sih, gue cuma kepikiran aja kenapa kalo cewe yang ngeliat cowo dari materi dibilang matre, sedangkan cowo yang ngeliat cewe dari tampilan luarnya dibilang normal-normal aja? padahal menurut gue itu sama aja.. jujur gue bukan cewe matre,cowo naik motor ayo, mobil asik, ngangkot ngebajay juga fine-fine aja.. cuma siapa sih yang ga tertarik sama cowo bawa mobil? kan cuma tertarik kalo masalah suka apa ngga mah masalah hati. sama aja kayak cewe cantik, cowok mana sih yang ga tertarik? tapi ya itu sama lah kayak kalo cewe cantik sama cowo bermateri itu lapisan luarnya kan? kalo dalemnya kosong mah ga guna juga.. cantik dan materi itu poin plus bukan yang utama, kadang ada yang cowo yang ngetes cewenya pake materi, mereka ngajak kita naik bajay terus pas kitanya ngejauh dibilang kita matre. coba kalo mereka ngajak kita jalan eh kitanya pake daster atau baju tidur, kay...